AOPA Level II: Introduction to Flight

AOPA Level II:  Introduction to Flight #CT701

Level:  College Prep

Grades: 10, 11

Credit: 1

Prerequisites: AOPA Level I and instructor recommendation.


In this half-year advanced course, students will take a closer look at the aircraft they may one day operate. Students will explore the types of aircraft in use today before going on to learn how aircraft are made and how they fly. Students will understand how aircraft are categorized, be able to identify their parts and learn about aircraft construction techniques and materials and gain an in-depth understanding of the forces of flight—lift, weight, thrust, and drag—including how to make key calculations. Students will examine aircraft design, looking at stability, aircraft controls, and maneuvering flight. 

This course works closely with the Eastern Slope STEM Aviation Academy (ESAA) which will provide mentorships and flight training opportunities for students.

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