Our VEX NH/VT Regional Excellence award winners, Kennett Coders Team 5106C have made us proud once again at the 2018 VEX 2018 World Championships. 5106C was awarded the “Think Award” for their programming excellence. 5106C team members are Chani Mores (Sophomore) and Kate Keefe (Sophomore). Kennett Coders are known for creating smart robots, and the judges at the World Championships agreed.

The Think Award is presented to a team that has successfully utilized autonomous programming modes during competition. The winning team has quality, consistent and successful autonomous programs as part of their strategy and team members are able to explain their programming process from strategy to syntax.
The VEX Robotics World Championship was held last week in Louisville Kentucky from 04/25/18 to 04/28/18.
VEX Competitions are the fastest growing competitive robotics programs for elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges around the world, with nearly 20,000 teams from 45 countries that participate in more than 1,500 competitions worldwide. The competition season culminates each spring, with the VEX Robotics World Championship
The 2018 VEX Robotics World Championship, presented by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, brings together top robotics teams in the VEX IQ Challenge, VEX Robotics Competition, and VEX U under one roof to celebrate their accomplishments and participate with the best teams from around the world. The event includes top teams from events happening in cities around the world from June 2017 to March 2018. Teams will play the current VEX Robotics Competition game, In the Zone.
Coaches Ron Sandstrom and Dan Richardi along with Kate and Chani’s parents were on hand during the competitions providing support for the team and staffing the booth, proudly displaying the Kennett Home of the Eagles Banner.

Going to the World Championships for the 5th time in 6 years has provided Kennett High School with international exposure and experience which continues our tradition of Robotic Excellence. With over three thousand two hundred lines of code, this year’s robot was a great example of how our program is developing our student’s skills.
This year would not have been possible without the dedication of coaches Dan Richardi, Joe Riddensdale, Ron Sandstrom, parents, volunteers and those who donated to help the program attend competitions and purchase the needed parts for the robots. A special thanks to Leeann Sandstrom for her help in fundraising, code review and support throughout the year.
Stop by and see our robot at the Science Fair May 10th at Granite State College where we will be showing off this year’s robots ability to score and the code that makes it come alive.
Get ready for Robotics summer camp! July 16 – 20th at Kennett High School.
For more information on the Robotics summer camp please contact Joe Riddensdale.
Mount Washington Valley Career & Technical Center
409 Eagles Way
North Conway, 03860