Hello My Name Is...
Paul Cail

Hello, I am Paul Cail. I am the Construction Trades Instructor at the Mount Washington Valley Career and Technical Center at Kennett High School. I grew up in Exeter, NH and graduated from high school in 1982. I continued my education at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Thompson School studying plant science and agronomy. I also studied a couple of years in the UNH sculpture department.
At an early age, rock climbing and mountaineering became a serious passion for me and I found my adventures brought me up to the Mount Washington Valley and into the White Mountains to climb often. I found that the Mount Washington Valley was a place I truly wanted to live, so I packed my belongings and made the move north. There is not a day I regret my decision.
I have lived in the Mount Washington Valley for well over 30 years, 25 of those years I worked as a professional rock and ice climbing guide. I have climbed all over the world, but mostly in the U.S.A. and here in the Northeast. During the climbing off-seasons, I learned the fine art of being a builder, and learned many different facets of the trade, which has allowed me to work in many areas in the construction industry.
This is my ninth year teaching at the Mount Washington Valley Career Technical Center and I find that this is one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever had. I work with some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable professionals here at the Mount Washington Valley Career Technical Center and with everyone at Kennett High School. I could not ask for a better place to work. I look forward to coming into work each and every day. The most important reason for me to be an instructor is to “give back” to my students what I have learned from talented people who taught me over the years. I have and will continue to have some amazing students in my classes.
I hope that students will remember me as that oddball, beekeeping, climbing, building/construction trades teacher for years to come, so perhaps they can teach others. When I am not in my classroom or my shop you can find me working my honey bees throughout the Valley or standing in an ice cold stream wetting a fly line fishing for that elusive trout or salmon.